TR MAKER Belt Grinder D-Backing plate for 2×72″ knife making grinder with wheels


Please Note there is a flat rate shipping cost on all grinders either £50 or £65 depending on the size of the grinder. Shipping to Ireland is £170 Total Cost


Estimated delivery time is 2 weeks

If you are outside the UK just email us at for prices.

Belt Grinder D-Backing plate for 2×72″ knife making grinder with wheels 8 MM PRODUCED FROM STEEL

TR MAKER Belt Grinder D-Backing plate for 2×72″ knife making grinder with wheels


Belt Grinder D-Backing plate for 2×72″ knife making grinder with wheels 8 MM PRODUCED FROM STEEL

Please Note there is a flat rate shipping cost on all grinders for UK and Ireland of either £39 or £59 depending on the size of the grinder.

Estimated delivery time is 1-2 weeks

If you are outside the UK just email us at for prices.